
2月,在宾夕法尼亚州莫纳卡的壳牌化学阿巴拉契亚乙烷的乙烷饼干设施建设。尼克·坎宁安 /耶鲁E360

A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh


匹兹堡是一个上升的城市,rebounding this centuryfrom its rustbelt past by developing more innovative sectors such as health care, education, and technology. Uber is测试它在匹兹堡的自动驾驶汽车。卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)是世界知名的家园Robotics Institute。And the city made an aggressive bid for Amazon’s HQ2, which the mayor查看作为将钢铁城市从重工业起根源之外的关键。

但是,朝着更清洁的后工业未来的进展不是线性的。尽管匹兹堡的空气从美国最受污染的城市之一的日子起着显着改善,但它仍然包含high levels of hazardous pollutants据清洁空气委员会称,在很大程度上,由于几家主要的钢铁铸造厂和可乐工作仍在运作。现在已经有十多年的石油和天然气压裂液压压裂的兴起已有恶化区域空气质量问题。匹兹堡所在的阿勒格尼县不符合联邦空气质量标准细颗粒物(PM 2.5)和二氧化硫。在2018年,该地区几乎没有达到联邦臭氧标准在过去几年中跌倒之后。

现在,匹兹堡及其周边地区正在拥抱与宾夕法尼亚州西部和俄亥俄州东部的压裂繁荣相关的新浪潮。没有什么比由石油巨头皇家荷兰壳牌公司的子公司Shell Chemical Appalachia壳牌化学阿巴拉契亚(Shell Chemical Appalachia)在匹兹堡西北30英里处建造的大量,60亿美元的乙烷饼干更好的体现。该设施将从多产的Marcellus和Utica页岩中处理大量天然气和天然气液体,并将其变成塑料的组成部分。然后,由“破裂”乙烷分子生产的塑料颗粒将出售给生产消费者和工业产品的制造商,例如塑料袋,包装,汽车零件和家具。

当它在2021年上线时,壳牌的乙烷饼干也将大大增加宾夕法尼亚州西部的空气污染,成为该地区的largest sourceof挥发性有机化合物(VOCs), which are harmful gases emitted by solids or liquids, including combusted fossil fuels. The facility will also emit substantial amounts of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), fine particulate matter, and其他危险空气污染物,清洁空气委员会说。所有这些都是链接to an increased risk of respiratory problems such as asthma, as well as to cardiovascular effects and a heightened risk of cancer.



“Employment in western Pennsylvania has never been better,” says Ken Broadbent, business manager at Steamfitters Local 449, noting that construction at Shell’s ethane cracker will eventually provide jobs for 1,500 steamfitters, some of whom will make more than $100,000 a year. “I’ve never seen this many jobs for construction workers in western Pennsylvania, and I’ve been a steamfitter for 45 years. Natural gas is going to be bigger than the steel industry back 30 or 40 years ago. There’s 50 years to 100 years of natural gas in this tri-state region. This thing is not going away.”

Asked if he is concerned about air pollution from the plant, Broadbent acknowledged the threat, but said the economic opportunities are too important. “It concerns everybody — we fish, we hunt, our kids breathe the air like everybody else,” he said. “But we’ve also got to realize that people have got to work for a living, too. If you’re not working, it won’t matter how much pollution you have.”


Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, has hailed Shell’s ethane cracker as the “biggest private-sector investment in Pennsylvania since World War II” and touted the prospect of a transformation of western Pennsylvania as a fracking-driven energy “hub,” with the cracker just the first in a series of petrochemical projects. Executives and industry analysts refer to Shell’s ethane cracker as an “anchor” project around which new infrastructure would be built — the associated pipelines, compressor stations, gas processing facilities, and a new ethane storage facility.




“ [最后30年]的这个地区开始做出一些非常明智的决定 - 投资教育和医疗保健,让大学领导,让创新成为驾驶员,拥有更加多元化的经济,尤其是攀升价值连锁并摆脱那些留下有毒遗产的基本商品。”呼吸项目,一家当地的非营利组织,旨在减少空气污染。


Fractracker Alliance的Ted Auch是一家非营利组织,对页岩天然气行业的健康影响保持一致,并指出,它在过去十年中已经经历了几个阶段。他说,在每个阶段的开始时,该行业推动了新的投资,这证明了下一个强化级别的合理性。首先,该行业需要更多的管道才能将多余的气体从该地区移出。Auch说,然后需要更多的井来处理压裂废水。然后能够出口天然气的能力。一年前,液化天然气(LNG)的出口始于马里兰州切萨皮克湾的新建码头,移动Marcellus页岩气across the worldto Japan


Auch says he fears that Shell’s ethane cracker, plus others in the works, may unleash yet another wave of drilling. “So now we’re on like our third or fourth version of reasoning for why [the industry] needs X, Y, and Z,” says Auch.

Auch and others say that at a time when scientists are issuing increasingly stark warnings about the worsening impacts of global warming and the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the fracking boom in northern Appalachia, coupled with the construction of related infrastructure and facilities, is moving the region and the U.S. in precisely the wrong direction. They note that in 2017 the city of Pittsburgh unveiled an ambitious计划到2030年(使用2003年的基线)将温室气体排放量减少,这将等同于每年减少210万吨二氧化碳。Shell的乙烷饼干需要燃烧天然气才能创建“破裂”乙烷所需的高温预期的每年发射220万吨温室气体。换句话说,一家工厂将否定匹兹堡在抗击气候变化的所有工作。

该工厂的批评家还坚持认为,壳牌的乙烷饼干代表了该地区清理空气的长期战斗中的重大挫折。匹兹堡是ranked就全年的颗粒物而言,大多数污染城市在全国排名前10位。匹兹堡所在的阿勒格尼县(Allegheny County)ranked根据匹兹堡大学公共卫生研究生院健康环境和社区中心2013年的一项研究,根据危险空气污染物的癌症风险,在全国范围内排名前2%。

壳牌驳斥了其匹兹堡地区乙烷饼干将对附近社区的健康产生不利影响的观念。公司发言人乔·米尼特(Joe Minnitte)说:“壳牌非常重视社区和我们的员工。”他指出,当申请并收到其宾夕法尼亚州环境保护部(PA DEP)的空气许可证(PA DEP)时,评估了危险空气污染物的潜在健康影响。确实,DEP得出的结论是,空中和健康影响不会超过联邦标准。

Minnitte说:“在此期间,Shell和PA DEP进行的吸入风险评估得出的结论是,慢性癌症和非癌症风险以及急性非癌症风险不超过PA DEP的基准。”壳同意在其设施周围实施空气质量监控。

壳's new ethane cracker plant, seen here on March 12, is located on the Ohio River in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

壳's new ethane cracker plant, seen here on March 12, is located on the Ohio River in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.Ted Auch /FracTracker Alliance

更多的over, Shell purchased pollution credits to offset its emissions. Industrial emitters frequently buy such credits, particularly in areas that don’t meet federal air quality standards. In Shell’s case, however, this has been controversial, because while the company secured enough credits for its nitrogen oxide pollution, it could not find enough credits for its VOC emissions. So itlobbied宾夕法尼亚州DEP将多余的氧化物信用转换为VOC信用。反对者警告说,虽然这可能有助于减少邻近县的污染,但饼干工厂上网时的污染将增加。

俄亥俄州约75英里下游的另一个乙烷饼干 - 由PTT全球化学是一家位于泰国的石化巨头及其韩国合作伙伴Daelim Industrial Co.,已经清除了监管过程,并期望很快做出最终的投资决定。西弗吉尼亚州附近提议了第三个乙烷饼干。2017年报告来自行业咨询公司IHS Markit的来自IHS Markit,发现北部的阿巴拉契亚 - 俄亥俄州宾夕法尼亚州的三州地区和西弗吉尼亚州 - 在壳牌项目上线后,可以支持四个饼干。

根据the Breathe Project, the Shell facility, plus the PTT Global Chemical and the West Virginia plant, could result in additional health care costs of $20 million to $46 million annually just for Beaver County, where Shell’s facility is under construction. Those estimates include treatment for increased respiratory ailments, lung cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular disease, as well as for loss of work. Neighboring Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located, could see $14 million to $32 million in additional health care costs annually due to the toll exacted on public health from the three plants, the Breathe Project estimated, based on modeling used by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Those numbers only accounted for fine particulate matter, not the array of other pollutants expected from the plant. In addition, the region already is impacted by the pollution, including methane leaks, from thousands of shale gas wells, compressor stations, and storage facilities.

壳’s ethane cracker alone would require 1,000 fully producing shale gas wells to feed it on an ongoing basis, according to John Stolz, director of the Center for Environmental Research and Education at Duquesne University. But he notes that shale gas wells are known to have steep declines in their production rates, meaning that many more wells will need to be drilled to keep the cracker plant running for decades to come.


钢铁厂的烟雾于1973年5月在匹兹堡造成雾霾。宾夕法尼亚州西部刚刚将空气污染达到安全水平。EPA Archives

Some citizens in the region already are alarmed by the health and environmental impacts of the fracking boom. Allen Young is a correctional officer who lives roughly a mile or two from a shale gas well in Powhatan Point, Ohio that爆炸并在2018年2月泄漏了几周的天然气,然后由埃克森美孚公司的子公司Xto Energy遏制了气体。在爆炸和气体泄漏后的几天里,扬,他的妻子和他们的两个孩子开始流鼻血,头痛和呼吸系统问题,这将其归因于泄漏。


扬指的是路易斯安那州的“癌症小巷”密西西比河沿新奥尔良河和巴吞鲁日之间的一系列石化和化学设施,这些设施已经将有毒污染散发到附近社区已有数十年了。去年年底,美国能源部laid out the case为在宾夕法尼亚州,俄亥俄州和西弗吉尼亚州建立一个石化植物网络,引用了国家安全的担忧,即在墨西哥湾海岸附近拥有过多的存储空间和石化设施,因为它易受天然灾害的脆弱性 - 这种危险只会成长随着气候的不断变化。

俄亥俄州河谷正在建造或计划的乙烷饼干说明了流入石化物质的更广泛的投资浪潮。根据the American Chemistry Council从2010年到去年下半年,在美国,超过2000亿美元的投资投入到333个化学和石化项目中,其中大部分“针对化学和塑料产品的出口市场。”


尽管预计在未来几十年中,天然气和石油消费的增长预计将放缓,部分原因是电动汽车采用更广泛,但塑料的消费尚无目的。国际能源局(IEA)在2018年中说:“石化迅速成为全球石油消耗的最大驱动力。”报告。根据IEA预测,到本世纪中叶,石化物将占石油需求总增长的一半 - 超过卡车,航空或运输。

It’s increasingly common for consumer plastic to make amind-boggling journey从得克萨斯州的油气钻探开始,将各种天然气液体彼此分开,破裂乙烷,沿着墨西哥海岸的海湾产生聚乙烯,然后将塑料颗粒运送到亚洲,以加工成塑料包裹或包装,然后将其运回美国的杂货店,最终,当该塑料到达消费者时,通常会使用一次并在几分钟或几秒钟内丢弃。气候影响是深远的。根据IEA的数据,截至2030年,来自石化行业的二氧化碳排放量预计将上升20%。

