
德国勃兰登堡的一家燃煤电厂。Patrick Pleul /图片合法 / DPA / AP图像






It is six years now since governments meeting in Paris坚定的to restricting warming to “well below” 2 degrees C from pre-industrial levels while “pursuing efforts” to cap it at 1.5 degrees. They agreed that would require bringing net greenhouse-gas emissions (total emissions less any agreed carbon capture) to zero by mid-century.

But even amid the euphoria, negotiators recognized that there was a gap between national emissions pledges on the table in Paris and the declared goal. So they set up a timetable for ratcheting up commitments and for taking account of emerging science. The first deadline for new pledges, known as nationally determined contributions, was set for 2020 and postponed until 2021 because of the pandemic.



它的重要性已经增长,因为这是自美国之后的美国返回谈判表以来的第一个警察。紧迫性已得到加强不断升级的极端天气事件- 野火,洪水,干旱和极端热浪 - 并通过对表明这种极端的研究进行建模激增if global temperatures rise beyond 1.5 degrees C.



In a 2018 assessment, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that if current trends continue, 1.5 degrees would be reached about 2040, but potentially as early as 2030 or as late as 2052. It found that for a 50-50 chance of halting warming at that point, the world has to reduce emissions by45%from 2010 levels by 2030 and then go on to reach net zero by 2050. For climate scientists, securing that trajectory is the benchmark for success in Glasgow.





“The good news is that the 2050 net-zero targets for the first time put the ‘well below’ 2 degrees and 1.5 limits of the Paris Agreement within reach,” the study’s chief author, Niklas Hohne of the NewClimate Institute in Cologne, Germany, told耶鲁环境360。“但是坏消息是,没有一个国家能够实施实施自己的净零目标所需的短期2030年政策。”

这paper is optimistically titled: “Wave of net-zero emissions targets opens window to meeting the Paris Agreement.” But the current pledges, Hohne says, “will lead to roughly stable emissions from now until 2030,” not the required 45 percent cut. Co-author Joeri Rogelj of Imperial College London agrees that the national pledges to date are “not at all consistent” with reaching net zero.

那么潮汐可以转弯吗?气候外交和公共压力部队会在格拉斯哥代表他们的比赛吗?英国政府的首席谈判代表,前商务部长阿洛克·夏尔马(Alok Sharma),他将担任警察总裁三月份承认目前的2030年目标“还远远不够”,但宣布“英国正在使用警察总统任期,敦促所有国家设定2030个排放量的目标,使我们陷入净净净净值。”

英国的谈判代表一直在淡化2030个目标的重要性,但旨在“保持1.5 [学位)的旨在。

Six months on, his advisors are now reported to私人承认希望在所需的规模之类的事情上不会发生重大改进。因此,主持人的叙述可能发生了变化。

夏尔马(Sharma)近几个月来一直在世界旅行,促使俄罗斯和澳大利亚等国家与其他人一起承诺零。但是他一直轻描淡写2030目标的重要性。他不再谈论将世界“走上净零的道路”。而是他反复讲话of aiming to “keep 1.5 alive” through 2050 pledges.

乐观主义者说,也许在大型联合国谈判事件中承诺的国家排放措施既然不太重要,因为从改用廉价的低碳技术,潜在的经济增长更多。“自巴黎以来,世界发生了很大变化,”经济学家金斯米尔·邦德·邦德(Kingsmill Bond)和总部位于英国的智囊团碳追踪器的萨姆·巴特勒(Sam Butler)指出上个月。“The old trade-off between development and climate mitigation … has been solved.” Shifting to the new technologies was now about “gain not pain,” since that would give nations a head start on the low-cost energy technologies of the future.


Glasgow will debate many issues besides national emissions targets. Sharma’s agenda has broadened in recent months to embrace commitments phasing out coal, promoting electric vehicles, reducing non-CO2 greenhouse-gas emissions such asmethane并为森林种植提供资金,以在自然生态系统中保留更多的碳,并帮助发展中国家适应未来的极端天气。

英国首席气候谈判代表,COP26总裁Alok Sharma,三月份离开了唐宁街10号。

英国首席气候谈判代表,COP26总裁Alok Sharma,三月份离开了唐宁街10号。Wiktor Szymanowicz / Nurphoto通过Getty Images


But of much greater moment for many of the developing-world governments, whose votes will dominate in Glasgow, is finance. Twelve years ago, at the otherwise failed Copenhagen COP, developed nations promised that by 2020 they would collectively provide an annual $100 billion to developing countries to help them both bring down their own emissions and adapt to climate change.

这些诺言在巴黎重申了。联合国首席巴黎谈判代表克里斯蒂安娜·菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres)说,失踪该目标的风险“迫在眉睫”,这是她的继任者。提供这笔资金是成功会议的先决条件,对于那些与丰富的工业化国家相比,对气候变化的贡献非常小。“必须保证。”says Figueres,“否则缺乏信任会破坏整个过程。”

但是信仰和信任是短暂的。这正式的会计过程在2020年,直到明年才完成财务支付,但熟悉该过程的消息来源彭博付款至少下降$10 billion short。而且,人们一直担心捐助者如何分配这笔钱。到目前为止,大多数人已经资助了减少的排放,只有一小部分用于帮助各国适应气候变化的影响,例如飓风,洪水和干旱。


Other outstanding business for Glasgow includes completing the technical rules for implementing the Paris deal. Delegates still have to decide how often countries should report and update their pledges in the future. The European Union this month agreed to join the U.S. and many poor climate-vulnerable nations in pushing for updating targets每五年一次。但是其他人希望有10年的周期,中国和印度反对任何国际商定的时间表。一些观察家说如果没有同步报告,就不可能使国家目标与气候变化科学不断变化保持一致。

这re is继续争议too over rules on accounting for, and trading in, credits for carbon captured by forest conservation and planting. These “nature-based solutions” are seen as a crucial element in achieving net-zero emissions, which will allow countries to continue greenhouse-gas emissions provided they are offset by carbon-uptake elsewhere. But nobody is sure how to prevent虚假的偏移和碳欺诈



当时的美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)在2015年巴黎气候会议上与中国的气候变化特别代表西海胡(Xie Zhenhua)。

当时的美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)在2015年巴黎气候会议上与中国的气候变化特别代表西海胡(Xie Zhenhua)。Francois Mori / AP Photo

近几个月来,中国与美国之间的外交关系越来越寒冷,导致拜登的气候使节约翰·克里(John Kerry)恳求with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua to separate climate from other issues.

但是中国有拒绝了此类提议。It has committed in advance of Glasgow to what it believes is a generous pledge for a still-developing nation, by promising to peak emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2060. But the West is not satisfied. In September, Sharma公开要求China to “pick up the pace” and present “more detailed plans.” And Kerry’s chief negotiator托德·斯特恩,这一过程的资深人士,在Twitter上测试要使中国“在这十年中,现在要削减其排放量”。

Such calls may seem unfair, given the much greater responsibility for overloading the atmosphere with CO2 born by early-industrializing nations such as the U.S. and UK. This “carbon debt” is an increasingly hot topic as the world edges towards its carbon limits.

So, how should we judge the success or failure of the Glasgow COP? The hosts appear tempted to paint aspiration as victory. They may hope that delegates less versed in the science of climate change will fly home satisfied that they have delivered a “wave” of net-zero pledges for 2050 and “kept 1.5 alive.” For others, an absence of concrete plans for 2030 would make the aspirations look like delusion.
