Luisa Rivera / Yale E360


Protecting Earth: If ‘Nature Needs Half,’ What Do People Need?


Must nature and civilization be opposing interests? Is nature conservation anti-people? What must be preserved to preserve what needs preserving? Is there a single path that can reverse the three crises of apocalypse: the extinction crisis, the toxics crisis, and the climate crisis? Sixteen ecologists, including me, think the answer to that last question is yes. We explain why in a recent ideas-drivenOur overall position is the title: “Protecting Half the Planet and Transforming Human Systems are Complementary Goals.”

The premise of the paper, published last month in保护科学领域,是大大扩展了对野生事物和野外的保护人类占地面积的主要缩小对于稳定气候和稳定物种的损失至关重要(现在估计的历史规范的速度约为1000倍)。

The paper takes its title mainly from E. O. Wilson’s idea (and book of the same title),Half-Earth.威尔逊认为,复杂生活的连续性取决于保护我们地球的一半表面免受我们的境地(工业化人物)的影响。(目前,大约15%的地球陆地表面和5%的海面具有各种水平的保护性名称,从无捕捞保护到可持续使用。)当然,保护似乎是不人道的。因此,这个想法吸引了许多批评家。新论文旨在回答批评家并提出这一想法。


Humans apart from ‘nature’ is impossible. Nature is everywhere — not just ‘preserved’ in parks.

这使我进入了我认为有问题的论文的一部分。这是关于语义的。短语“自然需要一半”是威尔逊(Wilson)的“半到达”概念的流行销售口号。但是“自然需要一半”强烈意味着自然与人类二分法。“自然”本身是一个有问题的术语,将人类分开并反对自然,并暗示这种二分法是事实。另外,我们的文化对“反对自然的人”的概念有几个世纪的熟悉。这是人类在世界上大部分地区所追求的范式,尤其是当今全球化经济的西方世界。因此,谈论“自然”的需求似乎是对我们的生态危机的二元思维的永久性。“大自然需要一半”似乎使维护生命的概念陷入了困境反对what humans need. It seems an engraved invitation to criticism, helping polarize lovers of “nature” and people focused on social justice.

除了“自然”之外,人类是不可能的。大自然无处不在 - 不仅是在公园中“保存”。当然,人类最大程度地取决于自然过程。即使是“生活世界”一词也错过了最基本的事实,即世界上无生命的水域,氛围,土壤,天气和构造设定了生活戏剧的必要阶段。因此,题为“保护一半地球和转变人类系统的互补目标”的论文的理由是纠正误解。正如论文指出的那样:“保护生物多样性和人类的福祉,是大自然需要一188金博网注册就送188半及其批评者所共有的目标。”

Fishermen in Akosombo, Ghana.

Fishermen in Akosombo, Ghana.Jens Peter Tang Dalsgaard / Worldfish通过Flickr

但是,保护世界一半的计划必须面对这样一个事实,即景观保护有一些令人讨厌的历史可以弥补。在某个时期,保护自然地区的计划需要将土著人民从祖先的土地上移出。主流保护主义者只是最近才 - 在我看来 - 才意识到这种保护needsIndigenous peoples. More than one-third of remaining natural lands are Indigenous lands. With lives and identities at stake, Indigenous peoples remain their own strongest defenders. It behooves biological conservationists to become strong but sensitive partners in Indigenous survival. The authors of “Protecting Half the Planet…” explicitly affirm that “conservation policies must be designed and implemented in collaboration with Indigenous and local communities.”

评论家提出的一个相关点是,保护一半的星球无法解决人类social and economic problems. But the Half Earth idea never meant to imply that “the other half” can be a Hades where humans and others continue being subject to exploitation, pollution, abuse, and cruel confinements.

The post-1950 period has been called the “Great Acceleration.” By exponential growth and industrialization, humans have delivered civilization’s gravest ecological wounds and breached the threshold of dangerous climate disruption. ”Protecting Half the Planet” therefore points to two parallel necessary paths: Expanding protected areas缩小人类企业的规模。该论文断言:“扩大保护的规模并减少人类系统的规模,是补充目标。”要明确,它主张“人类系统的深层转变”。它认为,“保护一半的地球需要通过缩减和改革经济生活,人道和逐渐减少全球人口,改变粮食生产和消费的方式来补充……重新定义了人类与地球的关系。”如果我们未能在人类流行的世界观和剧本中进行这些巨大的转变,会发生什么?该论文警告说:“我们相反,我们接受了一个混乱而贫穷的世界,这对我们所有人都是危险的。”

The consequences of upsizing and uncontrolled growth have long fallen disproportionately on the poor.


增长通常被认为是改进的代名词,但两者是不同的事情。生长意味着通过将更多的能量和材料注入其中,从而制造更大的东西。改进意味着对生物和人类尊严更好的结果。贫困最大的特征不是缺乏物质的东西,而是缺乏质量。清洁健康的食物,清洁水,良好的教育,更好的医疗保健,改善安全性,对妇女的全面法律公民身份以及赋予人们人际关系和目的的强大社区 - 这些社区带来了更好的结果,在许多情况下,快速增长已经干预或与这些目标相反。当人们更多地利用他们以获得更多的人时,人们会变得贫穷。这似乎是不公正和贫穷的根源。

Though the factual basis of the debate over protecting half the planet is scientific, values figure enormously here. Isn’t the world here for us to use? As arbitrary as it is to see humans as more valuable than the world, isn’t it equally arbitrary to view humans from a more relational moral perspective? The arguments flow back-and-forth along these lines. But there is one deciding non-arbitrary factor. Operating from a philosophical view that values humans above our earthly context is literally setting the world on fire, erasing tens of millions of years of evolved relationships, and threatening the future. We are far enough along in that experiment. The argument from a more equable perspective of humankind’s place in life and time looks increasingly like the only hope. The authors of “Protecting Half the Planet” see climate breakdown and accelerating extinctions “merging into a single calamity imperiling all complex life.” The underlying value premise is quite simple: This is bad. It’s bad forall生活对于人类尊严和正义的未来前景。

The Burkhat pass in East Kazakhstan.

The Burkhat pass in East Kazakhstan.Dmitry A. Mottl通过Wikipedia

If you think that human dignity is good, you will agree that the predicted dislocation of tens of millions of people fleeing depleted farmlands, floods, and fires is bad. You’ll think it’s bad that an estimated200到2050年,您可能已经认为这是不幸,令人沮丧和灾难性的,即主流公众 - 以及最重要的是,政策制定者通过我们壮成长或斗争的行为或斗争,您可能没有回应,这可能已经使数百万人流离失所。预测和明显的加速灾难


世界人口在我的一生中增加了两倍。联合国估计到2100年的中位人口为109亿人口。可以通过降低人数来实现 - 也许only通过 - 改善女孩的照料并扩大妇女的权利。负责生活的妇女选择较小的家庭。自愿计划生育范围内的0.5分降低了0.5分的生育率。这种简单而人道的进步可能会结束全球人口的增长,并预计到2100年将有73亿活人。这将为世界穷人,世界妇女和世界的孩子带来好处。如果有钱人有任何秘密在这里分享,那就是较小的家庭和故意间隔的出生会创造更大的生活。缺乏权利,机会和获得良好医疗保健的妇女不会因拥有大家庭而受益;当然,他们的孩子不会因为已经贫穷的馅饼的较小切片而受益。小家庭创造更好的孩子。每个人都可以受益。


Critics of large-scale protection tend to see Earth as resources and public goods, with human beings valued above a planet subject to human ownership. The non-human world seldom gets a cameo in their arguments. Their distributive justice does not apply to non-humans. “Protecting Half…” argues that delivering justice is urgent for people非人类世界。它邀请其批评家看到只有人类应得的道德考虑的偏见。它将世界视为关系。


