The U.S. Capitol, flanked by the stacks of the Capitol Power Plant, a fossil fuel-burning power plant.

The U.S. Capitol, flanked by the stacks of the Capitol Power Plant, a fossil fuel-burning power plant.Saul Loeb / AFP通过Getty Images



自1970年代在白宫服役以来,詹姆斯·古斯塔夫·斯佩斯(James Gustave Speth)一直在呼吁对气候采取行动。在e360他谈到了他的新书,该书记录了美国政府如何反复反应科学家日益严峻的警告。

Few people have followed the climate issue longer or more closely than James Gustave Speth. From his time in Jimmy Carter’s White House — where he issued reports on the imminent dangers of global warming — through his five-decade career as an environmental leader, Speth has consistently sounded the alarm and sought to spur action on climate change.

在一个耶鲁环境360interview with climate advocate Bill McKibben, Speth discusses his new book,They Knew: The US Federal Government’s Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis,其中详细介绍了七个连续的美国政府未能采取有效采取的行动,以阻止温室气体排放,并鼓励提取和使用化石燃料。这本书是基于法律摘要的,Speth是耶鲁环境学院的前院长,以支持Juliana诉美国案,由21名青年原告提起的气候诉讼。



Speth with President Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office in 1978 discussing a Council on Environmental Quality report on global environmental issues.

Speth with President Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office in 1978 discussing a Council on Environmental Quality report on global environmental issues.


James Gustave Speth:我认为他死了。他以将太阳能集体放在白宫屋顶上而闻名。他对可再生能源做了很大的作用。他确实是科罗拉多州太阳能研究所的创造者。他有关于太阳能的立法。他为太阳能提供了资金。他反复说,美国未来的能源供应必须是可再生能源。我认为他将在第二学期内继续上那门课程。我认为他可能做的第一件事,了解他以及政府的工作方式,就是要求每个代理机构或一系列机构描述他们可以做什么来促进可再生能源,并使我们走上长期的轨道摆脱化石燃料。



And yes, it’s been enormously frustrating to realize that if we had started with Carter — this is now more than 40 years ago — and continued after his administration, we could have been on a path, a smooth trajectory of sensible reductions in fossil fuel use, to the point that today we could be approximating getting out of the fossil fuel business. But of course, that’s not what happened. In fact, our carbon emissions went up in that 40-year period.


麦基本:与[罗纳德总统]里根(Ronald] Reagan)一起,这个故事变得非常非常悲惨。您在书中拥有有关[里根政府]采取的特定步骤的所有文档。您对所有这些意识形态的基础是什么?他们为什么这么鄙视可再生能源?这仅仅是石油工业的影响吗?还是有意识形态发生的事情?

Speth:I think there was an ideological component, but of course they were under a lot of pressure from various parts of the fossil fuel industry. We even see that today, right now, with the industry pressures on Senator [Joe] Manchin [of West Virginia], for example.

But there was an ideological component, and I think there always has been. And in my view, it goes roughly as follows: This problem, if taken seriously, means that we’re going to have to have a very strong government intervention, particularly at the federal level, to drive down emissions sharply over time. The more time we have, the less sharp it has to be. But it still involves major government intervention in the economy. And you may recall that Reagan famously said, “Government is not the solution to our problems. Government问题。”因此,这是反政府的反管制意识形态,推动了他的行政管理,这在我们的政治中实际上是几十年来真正突出的。


詹姆斯·古斯塔夫(James Gustave)“古斯(Gus)” Speth

詹姆斯·古斯塔夫(James Gustave)“古斯(Gus)” Speth照片由切尔西·格林出版公司提供

麦基本:在某些方面,对我而言,您书中最悲惨的部分是George H.W.布什,尤其是克林顿时代,当时对气候采取行动的任何早期动力都消失了。

Speth:是的,早期的动力在[联合国]气候条约[1992年]以及整个过程。我可以列出美国从未批准的20个主要国际条约。但是主,看,我们批准了《气候条约》。And it’s one of the only ones that ever made it into treaty law in the U.S. That was ‘92, and Clinton and Gore came in right about then, right after George Herbert Walker Bush, and got nowhere with getting it successfully implemented in the U.S. And that was a great tragedy.

As I look at this whole period, this whole spectrum of all the administrations, what I see is a pattern that is going to sound partisan, and I don’t like to be partisan if I don’t have to be, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles here. We had a series of administrations that began to take the issue of climate change seriously. And, in my view, they were Carter and Clinton and Obama. And each one of them was followed by a flamethrower that was determined to destroy the steps that had been taken. And that was Reagan, and that was George W. Bush, and that was Trump.



麦基本:乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)实际上曾竞选总统,他承诺将二氧化碳视为污染物,这是他在就职几周内扭转的立场。

Speth:Yes, that was terrible … [Dick] Cheney started out in his early days as vice president basically saying that energy conservation and energy efficiency was for sissies, and you know, real men were determined to keep the country in the fossil arena big-time.


Speth:好吧,我的书充满了古希腊意义上的悲剧,但这是其中之一。我认为,在奥巴马的第一年,奥巴马的第一任期,[参谋长]拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)在白宫打了很多镜头。当时,国会在国会进行了两党的努力,以促进气候立法。但是拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)对此对此没有任何兴趣。我不确定为什么。基本上,白宫并没有大力支持山上的可能性。我认为在奥巴马的第二年,事情开始对气候行动变得更加认真。约翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta)进入白宫(担任参谋长),我认为他决心做某事。他们得到了Clean Power Plan出去,这绝对是向前迈出的一步。

乔治·H·W·布什(George H.

乔治·H·W·布什(George H.Dennis Cook / AP照片



其次,另一个希望是法院。我们的国会使我们失败了。我们的政府使我们失败了。我们现在需要 - 正如我们所看到的一些欧洲国家并在Australia— we need a judicial kick in the pants to provide some real guidance and insistence that governments act to protect current and future generations.



Speth:I think it’s extremely important because, as you say, it does give the political folks space. But I think it’s not only the scale of the mobilization, but also its persistence. You ask, what is effective? I think what’s effective every day is just relentless citizen presence, mobilization, activism, demands, funny things, serious things, and not letting up. We had an enormously成功的,在纽约市的巨大游行[2014年]。我认为这是一个很棒的事件。但是,随着时间的流逝,它是否与级联,积累的公共压力联系在一起?我猜不是。


巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统于2012年访问了俄克拉荷马州库欣附近的TransCanada Stillwater管院。

巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统于2012年访问了俄克拉荷马州库欣附近的TransCanada Stillwater管院。美国照片档案 /阿拉米库存照片


Speth:现在我们已经战斗了很长时间的我们这些人的特征之一是我们永远充满希望。我们一直期待好事。And my forever-hopeful position on your question is that I would hope that even this current Supreme Court would see that there’s a stake here in the future of humanity and our country and anything that they really care about — their children, nature, whatever motivates them — all of that is on the chopping block if we don’t get serious about climate. And so maybe they’ll find a way to at least sort of step aside and let the legislative branch and the administrations do their job.

麦基本:Let’s end with the one administration you didn’t get to, because it’s unfolding in front of us. What’s your sense for the likeliest outcome of this huge fight unfolding this autumn over [President] Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill?

Speth:Well, I do think that it will be a huge fight. I don’t have a crystal ball. But the $3.5 trillion [in spending] has a lot in it that would put us on a good path to dealing with the climate issue. We start with Biden’s goals. Fifty percent below 2005 levels in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, right around the corner, an ambitious goal. Net-zero emissions by mid-century. And 100 percent clean power by 2035. I mean these are ambitious goals. They signal a sharp turndown in fossil fuel reliance. And I think we need this mass movement that we’ve talked about and other things to push these goals forward and not lose sight of them.
