
在2018年暴风雨后,意大利那不勒斯的海滩被塑料废物覆盖。Salvatore laporta / kontrolab / lightrocket通过盖蒂图像


As part of a broader effort to create a circular economy that reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union will ban a host of throwaway plastic items next month and is working to create an expansive and lucrative market for recycled plastics.

在欧洲,居民人已经习惯了散布在海岸线上的塑料垃圾的视线。的确,85 percent在非洲大陆的盐水海滩和海洋中,海洋垃圾上的污染标准超出了污染标准。地中海是最大的,研究人员平均每100米海岸线收集274件塑料垃圾。在海浪下,微塑料将沿海水变成有毒的“塑料汤”。

为了清理欧洲的海滩,全力以赴 - 欧盟开拓性的努力,以解决几乎2800万吨它每年产生的塑料废物 - 7月3日生效,该禁令在欧盟市场上停止了10种塑料产品的销售,这些产品通常在非洲大陆的海岸上洗净。其中包括塑料瓶盖,餐具,吸管和盘子,以及泡沫聚苯乙烯食品和饮料容器。

The ban is the most visible sign of Europe’s efforts to curtail plastics pollution by creating the world’s first-ever circular plastics regime. By the end of this decade, this will lead to a ban on throwaway plastics, the creation of a comprehensive reuse system for all other plastics, and the establishment of an expansive and potentially lucrative European market for recycled plastics.


“The EU is taking the creation of a circular economy very seriously, and plastics are at the center of it.”

在下面EU Plastics Strategy, put forward in 2018, waste guidelines will overhaul the way plastic products are designed, used and recycled. All plastic packaging on the EU market must be recyclable by 2030, and the use of microplastics circumscribed.

这些措施是世界上最艰难的措施,并且已经将欧盟的塑料包装回收率推向了历史最高的高度41.5 percent-三次美国的。欧盟设定了一个目标,可以在2025年回收50%的塑料包装,这一目标现已达到目标。在2025年,塑料瓶的单独收集目标将达到77%,到2029年将增加到90%。

This overarching regime will rely on the widespread adoption of extended producer responsibility schemes, which means that if a company introduces packaging or packaged goods into a country’s market, that firm remains responsible for the full cost of the collection, transportation, recycling or incineration of its products. In effect, the polluter pays.



马来西亚詹贾罗姆(Jenjarom)的废物处理设施。从今年开始,不再允许欧洲公司将塑料废物运送到发展中国家。Nandakumar S. Haridas /绿色和平

“欧盟正在非常重视创造循环经济,塑料是它的中心。”德国循环经济总监Henning Wilts说沃波塔尔气候,环境和能源研究所


“Many types of commonly used plastic packaging are not recyclable, and are being landfilled, incinerated, or exported without verification of recycling,” according to a绿色和平报告

美国最大的塑料制造商(最大的制造商),美国产生了世界上最多的塑料废物,这是浪费的。no longer accepts imported waste; many U.S. cities end up pitching plastic waste into landfills or burning it. Congress has commissioned the National Academies of Sciences to conduct a sweeping review of the U.S. contribution to plastic waste, due out at the end of this year.

Only 5 percent of plastic packaging’s value now remains in the European economy after first use

欧洲与塑料废物的斗争将有助于欧盟达到雄心勃勃的气候目标,即到2030年将温室排放量削减1990年的55%。欧盟估计that the drop in oil-based plastics production could shave 3.4 million tons of CO2-equivalent off Europe’s carbon footprint and pre-empt environmental damages that would run to 22 billion euros by 2030.

“ 10项禁令很大。这不是绿色的。”Öko-Institute,德国智囊团。“欧洲绿色协议中有更多的措施来遏制塑料并将圆形确定为欧洲塑料经济的基石原则。甚至大多数欧洲人都不知道现在正在发生多少事情。”

Critics note, however, that the EU’s showy 10-item ban covers just one percent of Europe’s plastic production. They also point out that the total quantity of plastic waste generation in Europe hasnot fallen-something the new measures aim to reverse.


意大利布雷西亚大学的经济学家和回收专家Carmine Trecroci说,诸如石油价格之类的外部因素具有重大影响。只要近年来石油便宜,塑料生产也是如此,因此很难遏制它。欧盟的塑料行业是大生意,雇用了150万人,并产生了3500亿欧元2019年。Trecroci说,强大的意大利塑料游说大会为阻止10项禁令而战,然后放慢并稀释它。最终,欧盟批准了该禁令。



尽管欧盟国家仍然生产大量的塑料,但寄给回收利用的消费后塑料废物却飙升了92%since 2006, according to塑料剖析, a European association of plastics manufacturers. Meanwhile, landfilling — by far the dirtiest waste treatment option —has fallen by 54 percent.

自1月1日以来,欧盟的塑料生产商不得不支付levyof 800 euros per metric ton of non-recycled plastic packaging waste. Pressure from Brussels has also resulted in voluntary measures in the private sector: Coca-Cola Europe, for example, is well on its way to manufacturing 50 percent of its plastic bottles and cans from recycled content.



Wuppertal Institute的Wilts补充说:“欧洲是一个很少有原材料,例如石油和金属的大陆,因此绕过对维珍原材料的需求与环境计划一样多的回收行业。”他和其他人说,随着塑料废物变得更有价值,回收和恢复设施将推动欧洲的回收利用,废物到能源焚化适当地征税,并标准化更多产品以可回收性。威尔特斯说:“在未来五年中,分类和回收设施将翻了一番。”



Trecroci notes that EPR on a significant scale is already a reality in Northern and Central Europe. In德国,公司每年支付总计15亿欧元的费用,以资助其废物最终物质的运输,分类和回收利用。Trecroci说:“在南欧,我们处于较早的阶段,但EPR也将在几年内完全适用。”

Also, in 2019 the EU adopted a directive that by 2025 all EU countries integrate 25 percent recycled plastic in clear plastic bottles and 30 percent in all plastic beverage bottles by 2030. This mandatory minimum — already in force in Germany, Denmark and Norway — adds value to plastic waste, since plastic producers need it and will pay for it.

