

After a decade in which coal has been grabbing an ever-larger share of the world’s energy supply, could coal’s boom be about to turn to bust? Both the United States and China are planning to curb coal, and analysts say the repercussions for the global industry could be dramatic. The world may soon breathe a great deal easier, as the biggest contributor to both urban smog and climate change goes into decline.

Chinese coal worker

Earlier this month, the Obama administration宣布了二氧化碳排放的路缘from coal-fired power plants, designed to deliver a cut in U.S. carbon emissions of 30 percent between 2005 and 2030. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the measures, combined with the growth of natural gas fracking, will take coal’s share of U.S. electricity production from more than 50 percent in the late 1990s to 31 percent by 2030. Within hours of the U.S. administration’s announcement, there were renewed hints that China — the world’s largest coal user — is headed in the same direction.




作为世界上最大的能源用户和二氧化碳发射极,中国目前使用了世界上近50%的煤炭。自2000年以来,全球使用煤炭使用的82%是惊人的attributable to China根据美国能源信息管理局的说法。

中国已经超越了自己的大型煤炭储备,在全世界占用煤炭,推动了新采矿的大量投资,尤其是在澳大利亚,印度尼西亚和蒙古,也是在南非,俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦。其国有的Shenhua集团是世界上最大的煤炭公司,几乎是美国巨头Peabody Energy的两倍。

这是气候变化的灾难。过去十年中,全球二氧化碳排放量增加的一半以上是由于中国燃烧的增加。作为来自Greenpeace East Asia四月指出:“中国的煤炭消费已成为世界气候未来的最重要的决定因素。”根据伦敦帝国学院格兰瑟姆气候变化研究所的阿杰·甘比尔(Ajay Gambhir)的说法,如果中国继续采用同一轨迹,它将在2030年再次燃烧煤炭。


劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室中国能源团体的南周及其同事说,随着当前的趋势和政策,峰会将可能发生在2020年。It could be sooner. Anthony Yuen at Citi Research, part of the CitiGroup,predicted last September在一份标题的报告中The Unimaginable: Peak Coal in China,在2020年之前,电力部门使用煤炭的“平坦或峰值”。

根据BP的说法,峰会随后长期下降most recent energy outlook,在一月份出版,这表明从现在到2035年,“煤炭对[中国]增长的贡献迅速减少了”,可再生能源是最大的赢家。

分析师指出了中国煤炭日食的三个原因。首先,中国对能源需求的增长正在减弱。其次,燃烧的煤炭面临严重的环境极限,尤其是空气污染和水短缺 - 以及将来的碳限制。最后,还有更多可行的替代品,例如可再生能源,天然气和核。


Growth in China’s energy demand is waning because GDP growth is slowing. That’s because GDP growth is now based less on industrial activity and more on the services economy, and because China is making big strides in using its energy more efficiently. More than 17,000 industrial and other enterprises currently have mandatory targets for improved energy efficiency.

同时,对烟雾的关注现在已成为中国的主要政治问题。主要城市的常规电视镜头已得到支持recent research findingsthat dirty air is cutting more than five years off the life expectancy of the half-billion citizens of northern China.

同时,电站冷却塔所需的水耗尽。该国大多数煤炭储备在干燥的西部。去年,世界资源研究所的蒂亚尼·卢(Tianyi Luo)发现,中国计划未来的煤炭发电站中有51%在“水压力极高”的省份:内蒙古,山西,shaanxi,shaanxi,ganshu,ganshu,ningxia和hebei。

In the search for alternatives, China is now the world’s biggest investor in renewables. It花费560亿美元仅在2013年。这使中国成为世界上最大的太阳能和风能发电机。与水力局一起,太阳能和风能现在提供了中国9%的电力。同时,页岩气正在范围内,目前正在建设的核电站中,有28个核电站正在建设中。

当然,中国对煤炭的投资尚未停止。2013年,政府批准了一系列主要采矿项目that are expected to increase coal production by 2-3 percent in the coming years. But with an economy still growing by 7 percent a year, the trend is in the right direction.


A final reason why China is on course to reduce its dependence on coal is its climate policy. Surprising to some, China already has rules to curb its soaring carbon emissions. So far, these relate only to reducing the carbon intensity of its economy — that is the number of tons of carbon emitted per dollar of GDP. China is committed to reducing carbon intensity by 40-45 percent from 2005 to 2020. Progress looks good,根据一项研究由欧盟委员会的联合研究中心去年11月。2012年,经济增长了8%,但排放量仅增长了3%。

The extent of progress partly reflects the gross inefficiency of the Chinese energy industry in the past, however. China currently produces 29 percent of global CO2 emissions, despite having only 15 percent of the global GDP.


本月早些时候,中国气候变化咨询委员会主席Jiankun,说中国可能会引入碳帽在从2016年开始的下一个五年计划中。这引起了轰动,后来他澄清说,这只是他的个人观点,而不是政府政策。中国在国际气候谈判中的首席谈判代表西·辛哈瓦(Xie Zhenhua)回答说,专家仍在何时达到中国二氧化碳排放量,尽管它会尽快发生。




India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, is a known advocate for solar power. While chief minister in the state of Gujarat, he introduced incentives for solar that pushed its contribution to the state’s energy supply to 4 percent. During the election campaign, his BJP party promised每个村庄的太阳能电池板,这将在未来五年内为4亿印度人提供电力。这个想法正在引起人们的注意,许多分析人士说,在印度,煤炭的控制也开始放松。


It is not just that demand for coal will dry up as China peaks its coal burning, but that massive assets from the recent boom in coal investment will be left stranded. Coal could swiftly become a very bad investment.

The Carbon Tracker Initiative, which analyzes climate risk for financial markets, warns in a report out this month that there is a real risk of “asset stranding.” Coal mining companies in Indonesia, Australia and elsewhere are still expanding production on assumptions about ever-rising coal consumption in China. Last December, Australia approved a昆士兰州的新煤炭港以及加利利盆地港口的一个主要新煤矿内陆。报告作者卢克·苏萨姆斯(Luke Sussams)说,这看起来很误导。如大多数分析师所期望的那样,中国削减了煤炭进口,他写,这将为“全球未来的煤炭行业增长,几乎没有选择”。

There are implications in the U.S. too, where companies like Peabody plan to hedge againstdeclining U.S. coal demand通过建造运输基础设施,通过太平洋海岸港口出口到亚洲。正如去年10月的可持续性智囊团警告的视线研究所(Sightline Institute)一样,最近的煤炭价格下跌可能是一个新时代的开始,这使此类项目变得难以置信。

因此,煤炭党已经结束。国际应用系统分析研究所的尼尔斯·约翰逊(Nils Johnson)说,煤炭行业的延误越延误这一点,缺点就越糟糕。搁浅问题的研究今年早些时候。

Politicians should act, he says. “If we don’t send policy signals immediately to discourage coal, more and more capacity will be built, and this capacity will be absolutely stranded once more stringent policy is implemented,” Johnson says.最近的研究表明该中国是世界上第一个经常燃烧的煤炭 - 3500年前。但是,在对煤炭建立工业革命后,中国很快可能会发挥作用,使该时代结束。中国过渡的震惊可能是打破世界上最危险的燃料的瘾所需的地震事件。